Shaanxi Youser Group

Youser (Chinese: 陕西有色金属控股集团有限责任公司; pinyin: Shǎn​xī​ yǒu​sè​jīn​shǔ​ kòng​gǔ jí​tuán​ yǒu​xiàn​ zé​rèn​ gōng​sī​​) or Shaanxi Non-ferrous Metals Holding Group is the biggest molybdenum and titanium mining and metallurgy company in Shaanxi, China.


The company was established in 2000 from a state-owned enterprise in Shaanxi province, China. [1] The company is competing with Western Mining Co. Ltd. for an 80 percent investment in the Hui Dong Lead and Zinc Mine, which has an annual production capacity of 450,000 tons.[2]


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